So one of my favourite bands, Architects, released a new video recently titled Day in Day out and it was some of the comments left underneath the video that led me to writing this post.
Architects are a metal band, some may say progressive metal which is sort of true but if you want to classify them in a basic genre they are most definitely metal. The band have pretty much gone from strength to strength since forming in 2004 and have acquired a strong fan base through their hugely technical riffs and ferocious vocals. They are also most rad to watch live. I've seen them 3 times, just putting that out there.
The Here and Now is the title of Architects newest album and upon first listening it is different from the last 3 albums that have made them so popular. Day In Day Out is a mix of more melodical riffs with the same venomous vocals but instead they have also included some normal harmony vocals as well. Some would argue that it sounds more 'pop punk' than metal which upsets some narrow minded goons.
This is where, apparently, they have gone 'wrong' according to some so called fans on the page where I found these comments. Because the band have changed their sound slightly they are 'selling out' and becoming mainstream. Now what upsets me is that if you are a true fan you should respect the bands decision to take a new direction, after all, that is how bands progress.
I understand some peoples concern because I do prefer my vocals sounding like they come from satan with a throat infection but I also understand that if you are in a band professionally trying to make money a change in direction sometimes freshens things up and creates new income for them. This in turn allows bands to keep making music for the people that enjoy it and after all isn't that what music is all about anyway?
I for one am welcoming the new album with open, clenched fisted arms and although I've only heard a couple of tracks it still sounds as gloriously brutal as ever. People need to get a grip and realise bands are not around to stay underground to make your Itunes and ego look equally as good they need to make a living too and I would rather see my favourite bands progress and sound a little different than fall apart and quit.
Sorry guys rant over here is where I found the video and some of the douchebag comments that angered me so:
See if you get as annoyed as I did.
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