So a couple of weeks ago I pretty much witnessed the best gig of my life. 2 of my favourite bands, Architects and Norma jean brought their ferocious noise to Bristol and it was glorious.
Unfortunately it was a bad start to the gig as we got there slightly late and missed the exciting Lower Than Atlantis a band making serious headway at the moment. Lower were an intersesting band to bill with the other 3 acts considering they have a more mellow, rock-like sound instead of spine busting metal. so yea, I cant really pass judgement on them but they sounded good enough from the merch stand and the bar.
Then came Devil Sold His Soul a band who specialise in a more melodic sort of metal focusing on a mixture of screaming and delicate vocals. These guys never fail to put on an excellent show and usually sound almost CD perfect. However the sound guy ruined this and they ended up sounding like they were playing in the next room. The drums were too loud and the vocals were too quiet, disappointing all round but they did melt my face at HEVY Festival earlier this year so I can let it go.
So then southern metal giants Norma Jean took to the stage. If you've never heard Norma Jean and you're not sure what southern metal is it's a slightly more raw from of metal with savage guitar work and vocals that sound like they should be rupturing the lead singers throat passage. Norma Jean busted a lot from the new album Meridional which pleased me no end. They played the sort of groove metal that saw the dudes throwing down while some ladies were swinging their hips, as in actually dancing, like in a club, amazing. They did treat old skool fans to material such as Memphis Laid to Waste and Like Bringing a Knife to a Gun fight, arguably some of their best tracks.
Finally we have the head liners: Architects. A band I've been waiting well over a year to see and believe me they did not disappoint. Again the set list was a mixture of the bands last 3 albums. I was particularly keen for their newest music from the album Hollow Crown. It was every bit as savage and beautifully abrasive as the CD. One highlight of the night was the song Early Grave for me, listen to it and you'll understand. The 'pits' were disgustingly violent as was to be expected and I distinctly remember getting a fist in the side of the head at one point, but as you all must know, It's not a sick gig unless you get injured. There was a very touching moment between Sam Carter the lead singer and the crowd where he thanked us and other Architects fans for giving his band the opportunity to put on a sell out tour. Now I like when bands stay modest about their success it's refreshing because it's good to see they haven't become egotistical dickheads who think their fans owe them everything.
All in all it was an excellent gig with some truly spine-rupturing performances and after scooping what was left of my face up after the gig I went home a very happy, sweaty mess.
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