So the other day I saw Black Swan. When I first saw the film being advertised I had the exact same reaction any narrow minded male has when confronted with a film seemingly about grace and culture; 'that looks fucking shit'. However the more I learned about the film the more interested I became. 'Stunning, mesmerising, dark and disturbing', these were some of the one word reviews that started to appear and I began to give it more of a chance.
Then came the facebook reviews literally everyone who had seen it before me said it was amazing and everyone needed to see it. So I gave in and took my long suffering girlfriend to watch it and what a twisted surprise it turned out to be.
The film is about ballet dancer Nina Sayers and what happens to her when she lands the dream role in an adaptation of Swan Lake. Pretty dull stuff at first glance but then she begins a quick decent into madness when she takes the role of the black swan a little too literally.
It is a very dark and especially disturbing film with many different overlapping relationships between characters that are never fully explained which adds to the gloomy feeling of the film. Natalie Portman is definitely perfect for the shy unassuming ballet dancer ready to be corrupted, even if she does look like she needs to snaffle a couple of burgers, but she plays the part perfectly and the relationship between her and her ultra weird mother makes for some harrowing scenes.
Black Swan is shot almost like a horror film with jumpy camera shots and intense close ups. I cant really say a lot else about the film itself because I watched it not really knowing a lot about it and in my opinion it's the best way to watch it. I thoroughly recommend this film to everyone and it is one of the best shot and acted films I've seen in a while.
Plus I had no idea professional ballet could be so sleazy and rock and roll, obviously this probably isn't a truthful insight into the world of British ballet but I like to think it might be, especially one scene in the film anyway......
So yea if you like your culture and arts laced with manic depression, self harm, sexual liberation and drugs get Black Swan in your life.