Ok, so this isn't really journalism related but it is something that has been bothering me for a while.
Lately I've been finding it incredibly difficult to just fall asleep at a reasonable time, however I have no trouble in the mornings or afternoons. I thought it may just be a student thing like becoming a borderline alcoholic or forming an iron stomach from eating too much undercooked food. However I do have my own theory.
Television. Daytime TV is beyond bad, programs such as Come Dine with Me and Jeremy Kyle makes me want to cry. Don't even get me started on soaps such as Neighbors, Hollyoaks and Home and Away, I would do terrible things to the people responsible for such piss soaked atrocities.
Due to this reason (and having very little deadlines) I've found myself sleeping through most of the day and finally feeling awake at about 4pm, disgusting I know. This has lead to me not feeling tired until about 3 and i don't know how many of you stay up that late but there is some seriously good television on if you are prepared to commit.
Occasionally if you wait long enough you can catch obscure foreign horror films, beautiful Japanese animation and some really pointless TV shows. BBC 3 is particularly good for the latter with shows featuring middle-aged mums dressing like Thai prostitutes just to embarrass their daughters or shows about teenage girls wearing so much make-up and revealing clothes it makes you question your faith in humanity. Don't get me wrong I'm a pretty liberal guy but some of these girls are really pushing it.
Trouble is all of this TV is so easy to watch and you find yourself getting too engrossed in the seedy underworld of late night television. I just want a total overhaul where the skull-numbingly boring day time TV is shown late at night and the strange slightly scary programs are shown at a normal time.
This is a ridiculous thing to propose and to be honest I am the perfect target market for these types of shows; a student who stays up way too late. Until I graduate and join the real world I may as well enjoy it and make the most of it until tragic afternoon and evening television becomes my life when I'm old and rubbish.
Maybe I could pass this off as an opinion piece, probably not.